Wednesday, February 2, 2011

SAARC countries

In the map of Asia, we can see eight countries at southern part. Nepal, India, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Bhutan, Bangladesh, Srilanka and the Maldives. They are known as south Asian countries because they lie in the southern part of Asia.
   The life of the people living in these countries is more or less the same. The government of these countries felt that the common problems could be solved by means of these seven countries met together in Dhaka , Bangladesh and formed an organization. It was called South Asian Association for Regional Co-operation (SAARC). Conferences are held from time to discuss the common problems and their solutions. The permanent secretariat is situated in Kathmandu.
    SAARC has a symbol of seven pigeons held in two hands. It is very significant. The pigeon is the symbol for peace. The symbol of SAARC means that these countries want peace, co-operation and understanding among themselves. 

Solar System

Solar system consists planets, sun, satellites, and many heavenly bodies like asteroids, meteors, comets and dust particles. The solar system is located in one corner of the milky way galaxy.
   In solar system sun controls every thing in solar system and handle it. Sun have much more gravitational force than other heavenly bodies in solar system. By its huge size and power of gravitation it makes every planet revolve round it. Every planet revolve the sun on its own orbit.
   Planets are divided into two parts. Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars known as inner planet and Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune known as outer planet. Jupiter is the biggest planet in solar system. Earth is only the planet where life is found.
   Asteroids, meteorites, dust particles etc. are found between the orbital area of Mars and Jupiter. Comets are also seen in many years . Comets are type of star made of ice and dust particles which have long tail. The tail is its smoke coming out after going near to the sun. Moon is the natural satellite of earth. Every  planets in solar system have their own satellite except Mercury and Venus.


Football is a game played by 22 players with a single ball with a single ball. Football is the most common and well known game all over the world
   In this game only two teams can play at one time. Each team has eleven members in the  field and extra players  to switch the players if any injuries occurs. We can score the goal by kicking the ball into the post while keeper try to save it.
   The player cannot touch the ball by its hand but the keeper can. Players kick the ball by dodging opponent player to the opponent side kick the ball to their post.
   This game have certain rules which we have to follow while playing, otherwise we will be disqualified of the game. If a player touch the ball by their hand then it would be a hand and the opponent team get free kick or penalty. A player can use their special moves to score the goal in unique way.

Natural resources in Nepal

By natural resources, we mean the things that grow without the effort of man, nature produce them and give us. Mountains, forests, rivers, lakes, soil, wind, sunlight etc are natural resources.
  Nepal is rich in natural resources. There are high Himalayas, Mahabharat and chure ranges here. Nepal has dense forests, big small rivers, lakes and different kinds of soil. They are natural resources, national wealth of Nepal.
  Mountains make the Nepal beautiful. The snow capped mountains attracts people. Besides, they are the origin of rivers. Fresh winds blows from the Himalayas and make people healthy.
  Forests are wealth of nepal. though, most forests have been cut down, there are some forests left in the mountains. We get fuel wood and wood for furniture and houses from the forests. Various kind of useful trees are found in Nepal.
  Many rivers in Nepal makes country rich in natural resources. Water resources is useful in many ways. Electricity is generated from water resources.


In solar system the only planet where life is found is the planet earth, the planet where we live. It is sorrunded with layerof air which is known as atmosphere. It contains 70.6% of hydrogen 28.4% of oxygen 0.6% of carbon dioxide and 0.4% of other gases. Its surface is covered with 30% land and 70% of water.
   Earth is oval in shape. It has four layer called crust, mantel, outer core, and inner core. Different types of living being is found on earth. Human being is the only being who have higher knowledge and understanding in planet earth, in other words they are the ruler of earth.
   It is also sourrounded by ozone layer which protect earth from enteering unwanted rays like UV (ultra violet) rays which causes skin diseases like cancer.
   Earth is only the planet where life is found so, we should protect it from destructive. The earth born itself with natural resources and very bad disasters.
We cannot stop these natural things it comes itself and goes itself. Many different beings exists here, which are not even found. Earth itself is a mystery and its too hard to solve it.


Education is the most important thing in life. We can say, education is the process of getting knowledge, skills and values from generation to generation. Getting education from certain area by the teacher to the certain students is called schooling. Schooling also help to spread education and transfer the information.
    Now a days education is compulsory in many countries. Education help us in different kinds of fields. To get job we should be educated so, education also help in economic life. we can get education through different sectors now. It is now easy to learn everything, by the help of Internet.
    Primary education is the formal structured education normally taken by children consists of six or eight years of schooling starting at the age of five or six, although this varies between, and sometimes within, countries.           Secondary education starts after primary education. It start during the period of adolescence so this education is taken more importantly.
    The third stage education after the secondary education is called higher education. It provides higher knowledge and skills though, it is not compulsory at all. This education result in getting diplomas or academic degrees.
    In education we should take everything very seriously because it provides the knowledge and skils which we need in future. Education fills our life and without education a man is half dead. 


The basic needs of every being and most important thing in life is known as water.  Water is a liquid at ambient  conditions, but it often co-exists on Earth with its solid state, ice, and gaseous state, water vapor or steam. Its molecular formula is H2O because its molecule contains one oxygen and two hydrogen atoms connected by covalent bond. 
   Water covers 70.9% of Earth's surface and is vital for all known forms of life. It is mostly found in oceans and seas. 97% of water is taken by oceans, 2.4% polar ice-caps and 0.6% is taken by ponds rivers and lakes. It moves through a cycle called evaporation. In this process water is evaporate and goes up by the help of sun light and form cloud, after cloud is cooled it comes down in the form of rain. This is called water cycle. 
    Water is used in different purpose like drinking, cooking, washing, bathing, etc. Water is involved in our daily work directly or indirectly. Without water our life is impossible and we cannot even imagine our life without water. Waters also help in making electricity by the help of hydro electricity projects.


A computer is a machine, device which receives input, stores and automatically manipulates data, and provides output in a useful format. The first electronic computers were made in 20th century. They were size of a large room using  high power as much as hundred of modern PC's. The modern PC's are far more better than the first computers.
   Computers has its generation according to its configuration. Vacuum tubes were used in early computers known as 1st generation of computers. Transistors were developed after vacuum tubes for better work known as 2nd  generation. After transistors IC (integrated circuit) was introduced for more reliable, faster and easier work known as 3rd generation. VLSI are used in modern computers which we are using till now known as 4th generation.
    PC (personal computers) is any general purpose computer which size, capabilities, and original sales price make it useful for individuals, and which is intended to be operated directly by an end-user with no intervening computer operator. It may be a desktop computer, a laptop, a tablet PC or handheld PC.
    Now a days, computers are widely used all over the world. It makes our work easier and faster. Every work are done by computers these days and it saves our data and make it secure. Computers are very easy to use with little knowledge and experience. Computers are used in different purpose. Its multitasking function makes it reliable and easy to use.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011


Chocolates are the sweet range of products made from cocoa(cacao), mixed with little fat and finely powdered sugar and milk  to produce a solid confection. There are several types of chocolate according to the proportion of cocoa used in a particular formulation. It is likable by every ages of people mostly eaten likable by children. 
     Chocolates are of different types by the varying the quantities of the different ingredients. Dark chocolate also known as plain or black chocolate are made by adding sugar and fat to cocoa with zero or much less milk. It can be directly eaten or used in the purpose of cooking.
      Milk chocolate is solid chocolate made with milk in the form of milk powder, liquid milk, or condensed milk. these gives a particular sour, "tangy" taste. It can be produced more cheaply than other processes since it is less sensitive to the freshness of the milk.
      White chocolates are made up of sugar, milk, and fat without the coca solids. These chocolates are also likable by many peoples. 
     Chocolate is also a flavor or taste to which many products are produced. Its taste can either be bitter or sweet according to its ingredients. However, different taste of chocolates is likable by every people.   


Nepal is an ancient country. This country has many historical and religious facts. Although it is a small country it is known as most powerful country. Many religious events took place in this country. It is a fully land locked country in south Asia. It is located in the Himalayas and bordered to the north by the People's Republic of China, and to the south, east, and west by the Republic of India. It has 147,181 square kilometers (56,827 sq mi) of area and a population of approximately 30 million, Nepal is the world's 93rd largest country by land mass and the 41st most populous country. Kathmandu is the capital city of Nepal.
Nepal is rich in geography. The mountainous north has eight of the world's ten tallest mountains, including the highest peak on the Earth, Mount Everest, called Sagarmatha in Nepali. It contains more than 240 peaks over 20,000 ft (6,096 m) above sea level.
Many people in Nepal are following Hinduism. Buddhism, though a minority faith in the country, is linked historically with Nepal as the birthplace of the Buddha. Many Nepali do not distinguish between Hinduism and Buddhism and follow both religious traditions. There are 3 different Buddhist traditions: Himalayan Buddhism, Buddhism of Kathmandu Valley (mostly Mahayana and Vajrayana), and also the Theravada Buddhism.
Nepal has put its name at top in world history. Many brave heroes born give their lives for the country. This country has unity in diversity. Every people here are with helpful nature.
Nepal is rich in natural resources, and 2nd richest country in water resources. Different casts and different and different tradition and culture makes this county different.