Wednesday, February 2, 2011


Education is the most important thing in life. We can say, education is the process of getting knowledge, skills and values from generation to generation. Getting education from certain area by the teacher to the certain students is called schooling. Schooling also help to spread education and transfer the information.
    Now a days education is compulsory in many countries. Education help us in different kinds of fields. To get job we should be educated so, education also help in economic life. we can get education through different sectors now. It is now easy to learn everything, by the help of Internet.
    Primary education is the formal structured education normally taken by children consists of six or eight years of schooling starting at the age of five or six, although this varies between, and sometimes within, countries.           Secondary education starts after primary education. It start during the period of adolescence so this education is taken more importantly.
    The third stage education after the secondary education is called higher education. It provides higher knowledge and skills though, it is not compulsory at all. This education result in getting diplomas or academic degrees.
    In education we should take everything very seriously because it provides the knowledge and skils which we need in future. Education fills our life and without education a man is half dead. 

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